The councilors of the Bamenda II Council have unanimously questioned why the city council authorities should give the same financial assistance for road maintenance to councils within the city council.
In the Tuesday, November 27,2012 Bamenda II Council budgetary session at the council conference hall, the councilors observed that Bamenda II municipality is the largest in the city council area. They said while they have a total of 4 villages viz, Mankon, Chomba, Nsongwa and Mbatu, Bamenda I municipality has just one village, Bamendankwe and Bamenda III has just two villages, Nkwen and Ndja’a.
On this light they opined that the city council authorities ought not give all the 3 councils FCFA 5millions each for road construction and maintenance because according to them, Bamenda II ought to be given more because of its vast terrain covering 4 villages and consequently having several roads network than others in the city council area. Beside, the councilors complained that the city council has not indicated which roads ought to be maintain or constructed by the councils to avoid duplication because a council might spend energy and money constructing or maintaining roads which ought to be done by the city council.
On scholarships, the Mayor of Bamenda II, Balick Awa, regretted that although scholarships are supposed to be given to students who perform well in academics the committee incharge of scholarships in Bamenda II eked out scholarships even to students who scored below average. The councilors resolved that henceforth, scholarships would only be given to students who score from 12 on 20 and above
Concerning the disable persons in the municipality, the councilors also resolved that henceforth, any council structure or building, must be accessible to the disable persons.
Harping on the 2013 budget which was pegged at FCFA 600million as against FCFA 500million of 2012, the mayor regretted that the council was unable to meet up with the FCFA 500million budget of 2012. He therefore enjoined the councilors to join the revenue collectors to raise enough revenue to cover the 600million budgeted for 2013.
On this light the Assistant S.D.O for Mezam joined the councilors to institute a quarterly tax drive in Bamenda II so as to ensure that no tax payer evade taxes.
Given the municipal election that comes up next year, the Assistant S.D.O entreated the councilors and mayor in particular to work hard and ensure that they keep clear records so that even if they are no more re-elected, the incoming councilors or mayor will have a smooth transition. Mayor Balick used the opportunity of the budgetary session to present a brand new land Cruser Prado recently bought for the Mayor’s service car.
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